
AMCA100 Introduction to AC Induction Motors

AMCA100 Introduction to AC Induction Motors




<P>The motor is a key part of any fan system. This short self-guided course examines critical characteristics of NEMA motors to give you a foundation of knowledge for applying motors in fan, pump, and blower systems. <P><UL><LI>Includes pdf course notes that are handy for future reference, and make it easier for you to follow along, especially if English is not your first language <LI>Includes IP - SI spreadsheet calculator for unit conversion <LI>You can leave the course and the system will save your progress for when you come back, but you must finish within 30 days of enrolling <LI>Explore or re-visit topics in the sequence you desire <LI>Learning activities and quiz questions keep you engaged in the topics <LI>SI units only <LI>Allow at least 60 minutes in your schedule for completing this course <Li>After passing the course, you can print a certificate of completion for your employer <LI>Eligible for continuing education credits <LI>For multi-person or multi-course discounts, email <a href=””></A></UL>