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AMCA210 Psychrometrics for Fan Systems
<P>Psychrometrics is the study of the properties of mixtures of air and water vapor. A general knowledge of psychrometrics is very useful in fan application engineering, mainly because the performance of the fan is directly related to the density of the gas. Knowledge of psychrometric principles allows the fan application engineer to measure the amount of water vapor in the air, determine the density of the mixture, and thus accurately predict changes in fan performance. <P>In this self-guided course, you will graphically explore psychrometric properties, such as dry bulb, wet-bulb, relative humidity, dew point, and humidity ratio as they are plotted on the psychrometric chart. Your knowledge of these properties will allow you to accurately calculate density and give you other skills useful in fan application engineering, such as the ability to predict whether condensation will occur in the system. <P><UL><LI>Includes pdf course notes that are handy for future reference, and make it easier for you to follow along, especially if English is not your first language <LI>Includes IP - SI spreadsheet calculator for unit conversion <LI>You can leave the course and the system will save your progress for when you come back, but you must finish within 30 days of enrolling <LI>Explore or re-visit topics in the sequence you desire <LI>Learning activities and quiz questions keep you engaged in the topics <LI>SI units only <LI>Allow at least 2 hours in your schedule for completing this course <Li>After passing the course, you can print a certificate of completion for your employer <LI>Eligible for continuing education credit <LI>For multi-person and multi-course discounts, email <a href=“”></a> </UL>