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AMCA250 Introduction to Using ISO 5802 for Measuring Fan Systems In-Situ
<P>ISO 5802 lays out a standard test procedure for measuring the in-situ performance (flow, fan pressure, and power) of fans. Whereas catalog tests of fans are conducted under nearly ideal laboratory conditions, fans that are installed in industrial facilities usually are faced with conditions that are far from ideal. The poor conditions faced by the as-installed fans also make it a challenge to get an accurate measurement of the flow and fan pressure, so ISO standard 5802 lays out a standard procedure to be followed in order to get the most accurate results possible, even under poor testing conditions. In this qualitative course you will be introduced to: what measurements need to be taken (flow, pressure, power); how to take them; where to take them; who should take them; and when to take them. Measuring a fan is an advanced skill in fan system optimization engineering, and like other advanced skills one must practice under the tutelage of a mentor before embarking on such a critical and possibly dangerous task on one’s own. This course and the companion courses in this series are meant as a compliment to that mentor relationship, not a substitute for it. If there is no one in your company who can fulfil this role, contact for mentoring and in-depth training. <P><UL><LI>Includes pdf course notes that are handy for future reference, and make it easier for you to follow along, especially if English is not your first language <LI>Includes IP - SI spreadsheet calculator for unit conversion <LI>You can leave the course and the system will save your progress for when you come back, but you must finish within 30 days of enrolling <LI>Explore or re-visit topics in the sequence you desire <LI>Learning activities and quiz questions keep you engaged in the topics <LI>SI units only <LI>Allow at least 2 hours in your schedule for completing this course <Li>After passing the course, you can print a certificate of completion for your employer <LI>Eligible for continuing education credit <LI>For multi-person or multi-course discounts, email <a href=“”></a></UL>